Thoughts Shared Earlier this Morning with an LDS Friend
Last night, as I checked in with my parents on my way home from work, the burden for my Mom with Home Hospice for my Dad continued to worry me, but I also was and am so thankful that my Dad is not in any pain, and also thankful for the blessings of Home Hospice and for the ministrations of my brother and sister to my parents (especially for my brother David, who is the next door neighbor of my parents, and who devotes so much of his time and efforts to watching over them).
That reminded me you and the struggles of your family, more especially the cancer which took your Dad and your Sister, but especially how you put their welfare first and devoted everything you possibly could to help them.
Your efforts for them continue to boggle my mind.
And so it was that as I was reading the Book of Mormon this morning, especially in 2 Nephi (where Isaiah in the Old Testament of the Bible is quoted so extensively), I again was reminded of you.
And this, in turn, reminded me that the choices and actions of our parents, spouses, children, and even our Church leaders will not be relevant to our own personal accountability and salvation.
I thought of how the choices I have made and continue to live affect me, but I also was reminded of how some of the choices you have made and continue to live also have been such a painful stumbling block for you.
During all of this reflection, 2 Nephi 20:15 in the Book of Mormon and Isaiah 10 in the Bible (regarding the ax boasting of itself against the hewer, etc.) grabbed my attention with particular clarity.
However, repeated over and over again in both books of Scripture and echoed by all of the other previous and modern prophets is, "but his hand is stretched out still".
The free gift of forgiveness for each and every one of us by Christ, through His Atonement on our behalf in the Garden of Gethsemane, reminds me again and again that "...we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do (or don't do)" (2 Nephi 25:23).
I no doubt have told you this before, but it seems good for me to remind you again this morning that, regardless of anything else that you have done or are doing, it is crystal clear to me that Our Father in Heaven in so pleased with you and your focus on and love of your family.
What you do and who you are is a marvelous work and a wonder to me, so much so that there is no doubt in my mind that you have accumulated a treasure trove of Heavenly blessings (and forgiveness), more than you can now imagine.
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