True Stuff that I Made Up

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Wednesday, May 07, 2014


Often, when elected and wanna-be elected officials advocate their position(s), they profess that they merely are responding to the voices of their constituents.
Which therein begs the question: Which constituent voices should matter the most?

My simple solution to this cipher is to carefully consider the merits and consequences of all constituent concerns, and then also be diligent to uphold the Oath of Office, sworn to by all elected officials. 

This Oath of Office is to understand, uphold, and defend the principles and provisions of our Constitution.

This sacred vow is made, not only to ourselves and our citizens, but also to God.

 Truly, doesn't our Constitution mandate that the first principles and practices of our government are the pursuit of individual liberty, personal accountability, and personal empowerment (i.e., the "Pursuit of Happiness")?

 After all, is it not us but our Constitution that is the well-spring of our unique American Excellence?
Just sayin'.

 Yours for better governance,  

West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump

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