True Stuff that I Made Up

PLEASE NOTE: The entries which are published at this site are solely my personal and sometimes whimsical musings. For information regarding my political positions and proposals, please visit

Further, this website is devoutly dedicated to all of my friends and associates, both early and late, who have mentored and influenced me. However, being who they are, the majority of them have been late most of the time.

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Friday, December 16, 2005

How to Prepare for Miracles

From time to time, someone will ask me about how I have been able to endure some of the trials and tribulations in my life.
It still somewhat befuddles me that anyone would believe that my lot in life has been any more difficult than that faced by so many others.
Nevertheless, my answer always is much the same as recently was expressed by Carlos E. Aguero:
"From these and other experiences, I learned how the Lord works in our lives. The price for good things is paid in advance by our patience, humility, and obedience, especially during trials. If you don't give up during your trials or let frustration and discouragement overcome you, trials will refine you spiritually and prepare you for better things. You will see the fulfillment of beautiful miracles in your lives."
And so it also has been for me.
(Elder Aguero is an "Area Seventy" of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South America)


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