True Stuff that I Made Up

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Doubting Thomas (Follow-up with a Flustered Friend)

Your allusion yesterday to being a "Doubting Thomas" has lingered in my thoughts and in my heart.
Thomas was an Apostle, one who actually walked and talked with Christ, and yet he also struggled.
So it is with all of us.
Earlier this morning, while reading Scriptures (Alma, Chapter 32 in the Book of Mormon), it caused me to pause and again reflect upon your comments yesterday, especially verses 21-22 and 26-28, but also the words of Amulek in Alma, Chapter 34, verses 33-34.
I am not the best example of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and not much like other, more faithful Latter-day Saints, who are so much more outgoing, humble and diligent in living their faith.
Even so, the best decision I ever made in my life was to recognize and accept the truth of the restored Gospel when it was given to me as the most precious of all gifts.
To be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints truly is to possess a "Pearl of Great Price", one that will guide and bless you, not only now, but throughout Eternity.
Often, it isn't easy, but it's always worth it.


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