True Stuff that I Made Up

PLEASE NOTE: The entries which are published at this site are solely my personal and sometimes whimsical musings. For information regarding my political positions and proposals, please visit

Further, this website is devoutly dedicated to all of my friends and associates, both early and late, who have mentored and influenced me. However, being who they are, the majority of them have been late most of the time.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

"The Sound of Music"

I am videotaping the "Sound of Music", which now is airing on the ABC Family network (it began at 7:00 PM), and I'll watch it tomorrow or later tonight (without the commercials).
It's such a beautiful love story, and I especially like the song where Julie Andrews sings about how "Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could." (a reminder of an important principle of my LDS faith).
It is so sweet and tender that it always brings tears to my eyes.
That movie is set in Austria, and it also reminds me of the Kump family castle ("Schloss Matzen") in Tyrol, Austria.
It was once owned by my cousin, Christopher Kump, and it is my dream to one day visit it.

Postscript: For photos and more about the Kump family castle, visit and enter Schloss Matzen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Castle that will always be in heart too! I married at the Schloss Matzen ten years this August! x

7:37 PM  

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