True Stuff that I Made Up

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Friday, June 05, 2009

A Plan "Big Enough for All"

Elder Quentin L. Cook, Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) recently pointed out that:
"The Anglican church leader and classical scholar Frederic Farrar, the author of 'The Life of Christ', lamented in lectures in Westminster Abbey that the common teachings of Protestant churches with respect to hell were incorrect. He asserted that a definition of hell which included endless torment and everlasting damnation was the result of translation errors from Hebrew and Greek to English in the King James version of the Bible. Farrar also noted the overwhelming demonstration of a Loving Father in Heaven throughout the Bible as additional evidence that the definitions of hell and damnation used in the English translation were incorrect".
For the full text of his remarks, see "Our Father's Plan of Salvation - Big Enough for All His Children", page 34, May 2009 issue of the "Liahona", also available on the internet at


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