True Stuff that I Made Up

PLEASE NOTE: The entries which are published at this site are solely my personal and sometimes whimsical musings. For information regarding my political positions and proposals, please visit

Further, this website is devoutly dedicated to all of my friends and associates, both early and late, who have mentored and influenced me. However, being who they are, the majority of them have been late most of the time.

  Also, check out my personal entry at

Monday, April 26, 2010

From my Grandfather's Little Sister, Gertrude Kump Zeger

I am glad you have so many people backing you.
Being a Kump,I know you have the ability to be a good person for the job.
We are not slackers.
We put our whole heart in what we believe.
My Dad, being a carpenter, could make anything. He said if someone else did it he could.
We children just loved to watch him turn out a table leg on the turning lathe or build a cabinet.
He taught me how to put a cane seat in a chair and upholster furniture.
My thoughts and Prayers are with you.
Aunt Gertrude

----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry D. Kump" <>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 1:35 PM
Subject: *Ward Clem's List of Seven Virtues

It is fantastic news that Larry D. Kump is running as a candidate for election to the West Virginia Legislature.
I've been a friend and colleague of Larry for over twenty years. For many of those years we served together in our union for professional employees.
Larry was an untiring advocate for Maryland's state employees, and I am sure that he will put his advocacy skills to good use as a representative of his West Virginia House of Delegates District #52.
With that being said, here are my top reasons for folks to vote for Larry D. Kump:
1. Larry is unselfish and honest.
2. Larry is all about helping others.
3. Larry will put his constituents' interests ahead of the special
interest lobbying groups.
4. Larry is a fiscal conservative, lives prudently in his private life,
and will take those skills and attitudes with him when he goes to serve others in the Legislature.
5. Larry believes in less government interference in our lives.
6. Larry recognizes that government has become increasingly bloated and expensive.
7. Larry believes that we are over taxed, and he will make every effort to reduce taxes on already cash strapped West Virginians.

*Ward Clem

* Not to be confused with David Letterman and his lists.

Personal Postscript from Larry:
Check out and, regardless of where you live, send your campaign contributions on behalf of better governance to:
Friends of Larry D. Kump
c/o Robert B. Griffith, Treasurer
PO Box 1322
Hedgesville, WV 25421

Please also pass this along to your friends, family, and other associates.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Conversation with Jane

What a refreshing uplift your email was for me this morning, since using "Mormon" to describe ourselves often leads folks to the mistaken belief that we are not Christians.
Gordon B. Hinckley previously got my rapt attention on this issue when he repeatedly asked members to make more of an effort to not use "Mormon" as a descriptor and to tell inquirers that the name of our Church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints".
To that end, "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" previously was added to the cover of the Book of Mormon.
In short form, I prefer to refer to ourselves as "Latter-day Saints" or "LDS", which usually prompts those not of our faith to inquire further.
Latter-day Saints aren't followers of a Church led by Mormon, but instead are disciples of Jesus Christ, and it really helps to emphasis that when others ask us about our faith.
When folks ask me "Are Mormons Christian?", I always reply "Absolutely!" and point out that the name of our Church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints".
When they ask if that is the same as being a Mormon, I tell them that "Mormonite" and "Mormon" are derisive nicknames given to us in Joseph Smith's days, and I prefer to remind folks that Jesus Christ is the founder and finisher of our faith.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane
Subject: Using the Term "Mormon"
Posted: 23 Apr 2010 05:34 AM PDT
When you write on a blog, on a Web site, or in an e-mail about the Church, do you wonder when it's appropriate to use the term "Mormon" vs. "LDS" vs. "Latter-day Saints" vs. "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"?
The full name of the Church is not always readily identified by those not of our faith.
Furthermore, the term "Mormon" is so widely known and used, so why not use it?
After all, people looking for information on the Church often search for the term "Mormon".
A recent blog post on the Church's Newsroom blog clarifies the proper use of the term Mormon (