True Stuff that I Made Up

PLEASE NOTE: The entries which are published at this site are solely my personal and sometimes whimsical musings. For information regarding my political positions and proposals, please visit

Further, this website is devoutly dedicated to all of my friends and associates, both early and late, who have mentored and influenced me. However, being who they are, the majority of them have been late most of the time.

  Also, check out my personal entry at

Friday, June 30, 2006

Bob Moats Chimes In (in response to my previous entry)

While you feel you have guardian angels, I do as well, though not to the extent of which you have experienced.
I feel, Larry, that you are the guardian angel of others.
You have endless energy in "watching" over us in the workplace.
You have fought and continue to fight to make our workplace environment safe, often times handling things before we are even aware there was an issue.
I feel safe knowing that you are on my side.
Bob Moats

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Just now, the realization became ever so more clear to me of the Divine Hand of Providence that has been so incredibly active in my life.
It was in Indianapolis, Indiana, in June of 1981, twenty-five years ago, that I was first diagnosed with terminal lymphatic cancer, and given not more than six months to live.
However, by virtue of a Priesthood Blessing, administered to me under the humble hands of my fellow Priesthood Brethren (Jim Utterback and Tom Meranda), the cancer not only went into remission, but was completely healed.
And, if that was not enough, and, as previously promised by my Patriarchal Blessing (in 1969), there have been many, many more incredible events in my life, as my "Guardian Angel...has watched over (me) thus far, removed many barriers from (my) way, stumbling blocks from (my) path, and preserved (my) life for a purpose...".
As part of that blessing, I also have "Learn(ed) patience that (I) may be able to withstand adversities...", and there has been a goodly portion of that in my life, but probably no more than experienced by many others.
Even so, those adversities also have blessed and strengthened me, more than I can find words to be able to even begin to express.
To name just of few of those challenges would include, but not be limited to: the burning of my home to the ground in 1996, the untimely death of two fiancee's (one who was murdered, and the other who died in a Chicago post-operational recovery room), the loss of my former employment which was followed by an increasingly long and desperate search for work, the devastation of my personal finances and the long struggle to overcome the subsequent and crushing financial indebtedness, "terminal" kidney cancer in 2002, two major carotid artery blockages, a multitude of other surgeries, and, worst of all, the heartbreak of soul-shattering divorce.
Even my current employment as a prison case manager, in such a dangerous and stressful environment, was first viewed and complained about by me as a terrible burden, but now, in retrospect, is appreciated as just one more opportunity to grow, serve, and learn.
Truly, my life has been full of blessings, but no blessing has been as wondrous and eternal as my youthful conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), which is led by Jesus Christ Himself, through His modern day prophets, seers, and revelators.
I may not know much, but I know the finisher of my faith, and that, through His Atonement & Resurrection, all my myriad imperfections are swallowed up in His redeeming forgiveness, mercy, and love.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Remembering Nancy

Yesterday, I printed out copies at the local library of my electronic web-log journal entry of Friday, June 23rd, 2006.
This morning, I placed one copy in my more extensive and private hand-written personal journal.
I then also put another copy of that entry into a separate "scrapbook" binder, wherein I keep some selected copies of printouts of some web-log journal entries and other items of importance to me.
That scrapbook was given to me by my previous wife on our first wonderful Christmas together as husband and wife.
The first part of that scrapbook includes a letter written to and given to me by Nancy Kay Cork (my "Irish Kitty") early in the morning of Saturday, December 22nd, 2001.
That was when I arrived at her home to travel together with her to be married at the Washington, D.C. Temple.
That letter from her is my most precious possession and memento.
My memories of her still continue to suffuse my soul with feelings of most profound gratitude to God.
She is gone now, never to return, and life goes on; but I still cherish the blessing of the time we had together.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Dream Lesson

In one of my dreams during the wee hours of this morning, I was walking along the top of a grassy knoll.
A seemingly frail and elderly man and his wife were walking on my left side.
His left hand was on his walker and his wife also was helping to support him.
He had gently grasped my left elbow with his right hand, supposedly to help support himself, or so I thought.
I was almost completely oblivious to his and his wife's presence until I stumbled.
That was when he effortlessly steadied me, with an amazingly sure and steady grip, until I could regain my balance.
And so it is that we oft times are blessed by the seemingly weak things of the world, while we also are unaware of ministering angels all around us.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Thank You, Kimberly!!!

Today, on Father's Day, Sister Kim Farrow, a loving wife and expectant young Mother, spoke to us in our LDS Ward (congregation) Sacrament (worship) meeting.
The self-chosen title of her remarks was: "In Celebration of Manhood!".
From her first few supportive and sympathetic sentences, it was manifestly obvious that she is a remarkable lady, whose inspired gaze pierces through the otherwise strident and shrill voices of those whose shameful sophistry seeks to confuse and devalue God's Plan of Happiness for all of His children.
She spoke so tenderly and lovingly of all the great and good men in her life, and how they have brought so many blessings and wonderful experiences to her.
Words cannot begin to express the sublime and supernal strength and sensitivity of her incredible counsel to all of us (husbands and wives, children and parents).
.....and so I won't even try, except to say that you should have been there.

Postscript: A recent email from a coworker friend reminded me anew of how Latter-day Saints are given additional blessings by the absence of a paid clergy in our Church, thus providing us with a multitude of opportunities to speak, teach, and administer within the Kingdom of God here on Earth. As Joseph Smith once explained, We are taught correct principles, and then govern ourselves.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Reflections on a Saturday Night

A friend's email yesterday about the myriad blessings I have experienced and how I've always given credit to God for them got me to thinking.
Perhaps I'll incorporate some of those thoughts in my Sacrament talk tomorrow about the restoration of and the blessings of the Priesthood.
I don't know.
When I give a talk, I never know exactly what I'm going to say until it comes out of my mouth - I try to let the Spirit guide me as much as possible.
Lately, I've been wondering about what God wants me to do with the rest of my life, and have been praying to understand and do what He wants me to do, because that would be in my best interests anyway.
For many years now, I've been ready and even anxious to return home to Him, especially since my children now are grown and I'm kind of at loose ends, but He seems to have other ideas.
My ex-wife Nancy was a big surprise and a blessing when she came so unexpectedly into my life, so anything could happen.
And, there's a couple of possible outcomes mentioned in my Patriarchal Blessing that could yet unfold.
My Patriarchal Blessing has been an amazing guidepost to me throughout my life.
Just as when I read the Scriptures, I continue to find new insights from it, and always carry a laminated copy of it with me in my breast pocket.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Personal Note to Wesley & Bonnie Grover

Dear Wesley & Bonnie,
Thank you so much for your kind words at the D.C. Temple this morning.
They meant a lot to me, especially coming from you, my spiritual role models (and heroes).
While waiting to participate in the privilege of eternal marriage and family sealing ordinances this morning, the following counsel from Christ also helped give me much more clarity of purpose and thought about how each and every one of us really can make such tremendous differences for good in the world:
"And for this cause, that men might be made partakers of the glories which were to be revealed, the Lord sent forth the fulness of his gospel, his everlasting covenant, reasoning in plainness and simplicity-
To prepare the weak for those things which are coming on the earth, and for the Lord's errand when the weak shall confound the wise, and the little one become a strong nation, and two shall put their tens of thousands to flight."
(Doctrine & Covenants, Section 133, Verses 57-58)
Conversely, I was so saddened earler this week, when an otherwise faithful Latter-day Saint bluntly dismissed the call of The First Presidency (God's modern day Prophets, Seers, and Revelators) for all of us to individually contact our United States Senators about the June 6th vote on the proposed Constitutional "Marriage Act" Amendment.
This sad little man said that it was "just a waste of time" and "wouldn't do any good".
He apparently is profoundly confused, and doesn't realize that we always are blessed when we are obedient to God's commandments, regardless of the situation, our own muddy perceptions, or even what we perceive as the probable final outcome.
I'm thankful that great men such as Moses, Isaiah, Paul, Joseph Smith and so many others didn't share that dim-witted and foolish attitude, and neither does Gordon B. Hinckley, our current Church President and Prophet.
Similarly, I'm grateful for your friendship and your humble example to me over the past several years.
Your journey from your home and hearth in Alaska to quietly (but so effectively) serve full-time and without monetary compensation in the D.C. Temple has made such a difference for so many.
Yours in the Gospel,