True Stuff that I Made Up

PLEASE NOTE: The entries which are published at this site are solely my personal and sometimes whimsical musings. For information regarding my political positions and proposals, please visit

Further, this website is devoutly dedicated to all of my friends and associates, both early and late, who have mentored and influenced me. However, being who they are, the majority of them have been late most of the time.

  Also, check out my personal entry at

Saturday, June 21, 2008

To Pam Coyle, Berkeley County, WV Library Director

Thank you so much for offering to dedicate a new Berkeley County library book to my recently deceased Dad, Willis "Woody" Kump (4/12/27-5/12/08).
In response to your inquiry to which type of book he would appreciate, he really enjoyed mystery novels, so my Mom and I suggest one of the new Nora Roberts novels.
Thanks again, ever so much.
I can see Dad grinning in appreciation.

Friday, June 20, 2008

To the MCEA Executive Director

Thank you so much for the supreme compliment you gave to me last night, just prior to the Board of Directors' meeting of the Maryland Classified Employees Association (MCEA), in suggesting to me that I relocate to Maryland and be a candidate for election to the Legislature.
That suggestion, especially coming from you, means much to me.
Furthermore, I am pleased and proud to pass along your expression of esteem and support to my friends and grateful family.
My 6th Great Grand Uncle and Personal Hero, Patrick Henry, no doubt also is smiling in appreciation from the other side of the veil.
Nevertheless, I heartily agree with him that public (or any office) is a weighty personal burden and responsibility.
And so it is that I prefer to continue to do what I can as a volunteer citizen on behalf of workplace justice and individual liberty in other ways and forums.

cc: Friends & Family

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Wonderful & Unexpected Compliment

Aha, what I want to know is when are you going to follow your true calling and run for office.
You were born to be a leader, Larry D. Kump, and we both know it.
I promise to give as generously as I can and I would certainly work on your campaign :-)
"Those who deny liberty to others, deserve it not for themselves." Abraham Lincoln

For 6/18/07 Task Force Meeting to Study MD Prison Violence

An Executive Summary of Suggested Ideas & Factors for Task Force Deliberations
- Larry D. Kump, Maryland Classified Employees Association (MCEA)

* Providing Safe & Secure Environment for both Inmates & Staff. (Also, see June 8th, 2008 suggestions from Ward Clem; May, 2007 memos about off duty incidents; and June, 2008 email about treatment of employees)
* Require "Secure Confinement" wards at all hospitals providing services to inmates. (Murder of Officer Jeffrey Wroten)
*Line staff ratio to inmates.
*Lack of additional staffing for increased prison treatment programming (For Example: Roxbury Correctional Institution has been without an Addictions Counselor for many years - there only is a contractual monitor for AA & NA inmate self-help groups)
* More performance based job accountability & protection for Division of Correction (DOC) "Employees-at-Will" (Wardens, et al), including "Whistle-Blower" protections (HB 766, 2007 Regular Session) and "Bill of Rights" for all DOC employees.
* Impose "K.I.S.S." (Keep It Simple, Seriously) standards on all policies and directives.
* Counterproductivity of current ban of tobacco products (Distraction from dangerous contraband issues)
* Counterproductivity of current policy requiring inmate uniforms. (Makes it more difficult to identify inmate troublemakers during prison group activities)
* Security problems from current policy of allowing inmate "physical contact" visits at higher security levels. (Increased contraband problems)
* DOC "Outsourcing". (DOC accountability/hands-on expertise vs. Contractor profits/understanding)
* Employee Safety/Morale/Support Issues.(Including "Made in Egypt" yellow uniform shirts w/out pockets, Employee Personal Privacy Restrictions-DCD#110-33), Internal Investigation practices, etc.)
* "Jet Blue" Better Model of Employee Relations (Source information: "Blues Clues", Spring/Summer 2004 issue of "Best Life", page 57.)
* Statistics from Central Payroll Bureau on Prison Employee Union Membership.(see "Pie Chart" graphics from Central Payroll Bureau on statewide union membership)
* Staffing Levels, Salaries, and Causes of Employee Turnover Rates. ($3,000? recruitment bonus given to Social Workers vs. $500? recruitment bonus given to Correctional Officers)
* Need for employees' statutory right to grieve any workplace justice issue, with a "Binding Arbitration" last step option. (Cost of Arbitration split between employer and employee or employee organization - cheaper than court appeals)
* Need to continue to Expand "Home Detention" Program.
* Parole System & Procedures and DOC/Parole Conflicts.
*"Double Jeopardy" of inmate violation possibilities of both "mandatory release" (release on earned time credits) and probation. Consider elimination of "mandatory release" supervision of inmates, and only use court imposed probation supervision.
* Standardize Inmate Diminution (Time Credits).
* Correctional Officers Retirement System & Participants.

Personal Note: For an eerily parallel perspective of what it's like to work in a prison environment, see the opening scene from the old movie, "Joe & the Volcano" ( starring Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, and Lloyd Bridges).

Thursday, June 05, 2008

To Senator Don Munson on Governor's Appointment

Senator Munson,
Thank you.
I will try my best to be worthy of the appointment and the concerns of my peers.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Munson, Donald Senator" <>
Sent: Jun 5, 2008 11:10 AM
To: "Larry D. Kump" <>

Congratulations on your appointment to the Maryland Task Force to Study Prison Violence.
You are very deserving of this position and I fully support your appointment. It is people like you that make Washington County and the entire State of Maryland such a wonderful place to live. I wish you much luck and success in all of your future efforts.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you.

Donald F. Munson
Senator, District 2

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

From MCEA to Governor O'Malley

Dear Governor O'Malley,
The Maryland Classified Employees Association (MCEA) thanks you for the May 27th appointment of MCEA Leader Larry D. Kump to the "Task Force to Study Prison Violence in Maryland".
Mr. Kump continues to serve MCEA and correctional employees as a whole, through this status as Chapter President of the MCEA Public Safety Non-Custody Employees Chapter and a member of the MCEA Board of Directors as Western Maryland Regional (Area IV) Governor. He has, however, recently applied for early retirement from his position as Correctional Case Management Specialist at Roxbury Correctional Institution, after over seventeen years of dedicated service.
We remain, however, confident that Mr. Kump's extensive experience in Maryland prison administration with both correctional employees and inmates, his skill and background in conflict
resolution, and his tireless advocacy for good governance will be a tremendous asset, and MCEA continues to support his appointment to the Task Force.
Yours for goood governance,
Marilyn Miller, MCEA President

Monday, June 02, 2008

Ed Wilson on Appointment by Governor O'Malley

Oh,that's how it is supposed to go?
That must be why the Wardens frequently were dragging me into their offices to lecture me?
Now. Larry -- you do understand that this doesn't mean that you are to CAUSE violence in the prisons, but just to study it, right?

-----Original Message-----

May 27th, 2008
Dear Mr. Kump,
Having great confidence in your dedication to public service, it is my pleasure to appoint you a member of the (Maryland) Task Force to Study Prison Violence in Maryland....
Governor Martin O'Malley