True Stuff that I Made Up

PLEASE NOTE: The entries which are published at this site are solely my personal and sometimes whimsical musings. For information regarding my political positions and proposals, please visit

Further, this website is devoutly dedicated to all of my friends and associates, both early and late, who have mentored and influenced me. However, being who they are, the majority of them have been late most of the time.

  Also, check out my personal entry at

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Islamic Issue

Having previously studied Islam and their Quran, I wonder and worry about those who so maliciously malign all those of that faith.

We should take great care to avoid conflating the Islamic faith of approximately 1.5 billion people with the twisted agenda of some revolutionary extremists, who pervert and subvert that faith into their raison d'etre.

While not Christian, most Muslims also are God fearing and sincere in their beliefs. Defaming their faith plays into the very hands of terrorist evil-doers.

After  all, how would we react if Christianity was judged on the basis of David Koresh's child abuse or the Reverend Jim Jones' kool-aid drinkers?

Postscript: The purpose of this entry solely was to caution against stereotyping any group of people. I did not make any distinctions regarding the validity of the various sects of the Islamic (or any other) faith, nor was it my purpose to suggest any weakening of support for American Excellence (as embodied by our Constitution) or our national interests. Furthermore, this entry made absolutely no suggestions regarding our Middle Eastern foreign policy.

Note: See other entries on this issue.

A Chaplain on Islam

As a retired military Chaplain let me say an "amen" to Mr. Kump's remarks about Islam. One of the fine lines of distinction that I was always concerned about was precisely the point made here (see previous entries).

In matters of faith the primary call to the believer is to know his or her faith and to incorporate that faith into his or her life.

The primary focus of our faith should lie in ourselves, not in rushing to condemn others, who may not hold the same belief set that we do.

A tricky proposition at best.

And yet, if one really studies the history of o ur country and asks the question, "What caused many of our ancestors to leave their old homeland, family, and friends and undertake a risky journey across many a stormy sea?", you will find in a surprisingly large number of cases the answer was "Religious Intolerance."

Grace and Peace.

More on the Islamic Issue

Dear Dorothy,

Thank you.

I've gotten disagreement from a few about my earlier email on this issue.

The point that I was trying to make was about our own behavior and stereotypings, not the behavior and faith of the Muslims.

However, some instead have responded to me by cataloging what they feel is wrong with the Muslim faith and culture.


Dear Larry

I agree with you. I have a friend who is Muslim, who also was very supportive of my faith. In fact she invited some of us to dinner---I shared a copy of the "Ensign" magazine with her once that educated us about the Muslim religion.

It is the extremists of any organization that are just that --extreme.....!


Note: See other entries on this issue.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Irony (not Wrinkly)

The High Priests of the Charleston, West Virginia 2nd Ward (LDS Congregation) hosted a well attended social and grub-fest last Saturday night down here near the State Capitol.

A spry 98 year old brother was there and busily circulating among us.

The irony of it was that I was told that he was inactive in the Church until age 92.